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Maths Schools Map

U-Maths - the University Maths School Network

Mathematics is essential for the future growth of the UK’s modern, technologically-driven economy. Highly numerate workers – in other words, maths experts – are likely to be the catalysts of this growth. We have a moral and economic responsibility to nurture and develop the UK’s young mathematicians, irrespective of their background. University maths schools work across the country, coordinated by the U-Maths network and in close partnership with 11 leading universities. They provide an opportunity for students to thrive in a unique and diverse educational setting, breaking down the barriers to participation and improving access to top universities and STEM-related careers. They also have substantial spillover benefits for the wider mathematical education ecosystem, improving outcomes and attainment across the country through shared pedagogy and best practice.

Dan Abramson OBE, CEO, U-Maths


“Maths schools’ focus on community and inclusion in combination with their unique curriculum provide an environment in which these students thrive, going on to make exceptional progress and achieve strong educational outcomes.”

Aston University Mathematics School

Birmingham (Opening 2025)
Aston University
0121 599 0301


Cambridge Maths School

Cambridge (Opened 2023)
University of Cambridge
Eastern Learning Alliance
01223 200423


Durham Mathematics School

Durham (Opening 2026)
Durham University
Durham Sixth Form Centre
0191 383 0708


Exeter Mathematics School

Exeter (Opened 2014)
University of Exeter
Exeter College
01392 429020


Imperial College London Mathematics School

London (Opened 2023)
Imperial College London
Woodhouse College
020 8713 0137

King’s College London Mathematics School

London (Opened 2014)
King’s Maths School
020 7848 7346

Lancaster University School of Mathematics

Preston (Opened 2022)
Cardinal Newman College
Lancaster University
01772 287481

Leeds Mathematics School

Leeds (Opened 2023)
University of Leeds
The GORSE Academies Trust
0113 322 5948

University of Liverpool Maths School

Liverpool (Opened 2020)
University of Liverpool
0151 6400397

University of Nottingham Maths School

Nottingham (Opening 2025)
University of Nottingham
East Midlands Education Trust

Surrey Maths School

Guildford (Opened 2024)
University of Surrey
Learning Partners Academy Trust
01483 974211

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