Tony Fawcett
Tony is the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Education at Durham University, and Professor in Biosciences. He studied for a B.Sc. in Applied Biology at Trent Polytechnic and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry at Leicester University before completing two Postdoctoral Research posts at Durham University and being appointed to a lectureship in Durham in 1995. His drive to improve the educational experience of university students led him to take up the position of Deputy Head of the Science Faculty (Undergraduate) and in 2015 he was appointed to the role of Deputy PVC (Education). In these roles, he has worked to improve both postgraduate and undergraduate education. He serves on Senate, Chair Education Committee and is a member of the University Executive Committee. His disciplinary research interest is plant lipid biochemistry with particular emphasis on understanding the ways in which plants make and store oil in their seeds with a view to increasing the amount made without increasing agronomic (water, fertilizer etc.) inputs.
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